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B&P invited to participate in Guizhou Province Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Seminar
Release Time: 2016-12-9 16:01:05

For a long time, China manufacturing and German manufacturing, made in Japan compared to both quality and efficiency, there is a certain gap, which affects the price and brand. And we used the same intelligent manufacturing equipment and intelligent manufacturing system, using the same material, both in Japan and Germany. The United States and Chinese manufacturing, quality and efficiency as the final product. That is to say the actual state "China intelligent manufacturing 2025" the implementation of the strategy, Chinese manufacturing may soon overtake Germany, Japan's manufacturing level, thus becoming a real world manufacturing power. At present, China's implementation of intelligent manufacturing are wildly beating gongs and drums..

In December 4th, the Guizhou provincial science and Technology Department invited B&P to key enterprises in Guizhou Province survey, and held a B&P de Fulai intelligent manufacturing special seminar. Attended the seminar of Intelligent Manufacturing Leadership: Guizhou province science and technology department director Liao Fei, director of the Guizhou Provincial Productivity Promotion Center Wang Haibo, experts from Guizhou University, and President Tu Guoquan Levin B&P de intelligent manufacturing expert a line will be discussed. Guizhou province is located in the southwest of China, less developed Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, but in the aspect of the layout of intelligent manufacturing but hope ", with the continuous implementation of the slow need to start early." intelligent manufacturing may achieve corner overtaking, the office of science and technology leadership.

B&P de Fulai intelligent expert in leadership to lead, to a large key enterprises throughout the production fieldwork operation. Then, B&P experts for the production operation situation of the enterprise puts forward improvement program of professional intelligent manufacturing, and introduces the B&P intelligent soft hard in whole factory full set of solutions of the advantages and globalization layout and in the visual identification, robot and other aspects of the leading technology advantage. After listening to the introduction, Guizhou province leaders and experts said the approval of B&P enterprise and intelligent manufacturing scheme, and discusses deeply on the project details.

The seminar with the further discussion, the leaders and experts of the highly recognized B&P de B&P de Levin Levin and hope that the project made intelligent in Guizhou province and the national plant model. B&P and praised the play to their overall factory in intelligent hardware and software solutions, is committed to a large number of intelligent plant in the first floor, "China manufacturing 2025" manufacturing power as soon as possible to make a model. The seminar lasted several hours, full of intelligent manufacturing, industrial power in the atmosphere over.

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