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China's first industrial 4 smart plant demonstration line in Shenzhen built - new network
Release Time: 2017-7-1 9:53:23

Chinanews.com reported in 2017 06 month 30 days 17:40 Levin B&P de smart factory demonstration line

The following is the full text of the report

Shenzhen Beijing, June 30, (Zheng Xiaohong Peng Ge) a 4 industrial intelligent plant developed by B&P de Fulai company production line has been officially launched in Shenzhen. Vice president of Shenzhen City Electronic Equipment Industry Association and the Secretary General Shi Hao said to the media 30, this is the first 4 China industrial intelligent factory production line.

De Fulai industry 4 smart factory main production demonstration line TV set-top box, composed of front-end equipment and back-end automated information system. Two days earlier, in an interview with reporters at the scene to see, from the initial delivery of processing materials, to the manufacturing of each link, and then to finished product packaging and transportation even piled up, all processes are done automatically in the intelligent operating system.

The robot carries the finished product into the warehouse and Zheng Xiaohong takes it

Levin CEO de Tu Guoquan said, through independent research and development and technology research, German researchers Levin integrated front-end system, through intelligent design, intelligent management, intelligent production link whole intelligent manufacturing. Only two people management in the central control room, can be completed only ordinary factory production line requires 159 employees one of the production.

This is a realization of the industrial standard of 4 large-scale flexible customized production line. Tu Guoquan said, from the industrial to the industrial 1.0,2.0 3, regardless of mechanization, electrification and programmable control equipment, the previous industrial revolution is the pursuit of machine substitutions, by semi-automatic or automatic equipment to replace manual, the realization of large-scale production a single product. The intelligent plant demonstration line fusion technology leading international collaboration technology of autonomous mobile robot, robot, machine vision and artificial intelligent deep learning technology, not only do the mass production, and can achieve flexible manufacturing, according to the demand of orders in the same production line to achieve mass production of a number of varieties.

Intelligent factory production line engineer, commissioning equipment, Zheng Xiaohong shooting

This is one of the leading independent intellectual property rights Chinese smart factory Levin.B&P de use their advantages of advanced technology and talent advantages, combined with years of experience to provide intelligent manufacturing solutions for customers, and integrated into the robot technology and industrial networking the global advanced technology, the first independent construction into the smart factory demonstration line de Fulai intelligent plant demonstration project completely automated production, logistics, digital information, comprehensive intelligent control, belonging to the 4 industrial intelligent plant in the true sense. The smart factory is just 2 people management in the central control room, for the traditional factory production line requires employees only 159 people, this is the "Chinese manufacturing 2025" made "power!

The global view of German industrial 4 and Chinese proposed "2025 Chinese manufacturing" Germany proposed earlier racing together bridle to bridle, though, but Chinese faster. German Levin CEO Tu Guoquan said that behind the modern global competition in this new era of intelligent manufacturing, our national enterprises have the obligation to promote the implementation of China made to catch up, just completed de Fulai intelligent plant demonstration line confirms the "Chinese 2025" made the efficiency better.

Shi Hao said that the country is currently pushing Chinese manufacturing 2025, intelligent plant construction is to take the heat, there is a trillion large market. Scientific and technological innovation ability of enterprises in Shenzhen, the deep level of independent research and development of 4 industrial intelligent plant solutions, is expected to quickly copy to the country. (end)

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